Most family offices evolve over time, growing with the family business and wealth, which may lead to inefficient or insufficient structures. Family Office Management Consulting has developed its very own review and benchmarking process providing the basis for thorough restructuring programs.
In-depth gap analyses and benchmarking studies with a focus on individual aspects unique to the respective family office set-up lead to the definition of the target solution and strategy as well as thoroughly-defined risk management processes.
We assist you in the transformation of your family office into a state-of-the-art risk manager, while at the same time keeping structures flexible to adjust to changing circumstances, be it on the family or the family office side at any point in time.
Today, more than ever, the role of the family office as the risk manager, takes priority. It is hereby not only financial risks which have to be considered, but also regulatory & compliance, operational as well as other structuring risk aspects which a solid risk framework should encompass.
Family Office Management Consulting performs in-depth and all-encompassing risk reviews on all of these and many more aspects, identifying core risk pillars, mapping key risk factors as part of risk matrices and developing the respective risk frameworks and mitigation measures.
In addition to considerations on family/owner involvement in business and family office operations, proper job descriptions and responsibility allocations, appropriate compensation and long-term incentive schemes are important for the running of the family office the latter of which succeeds and falls with its employees.
Family Office Management Consulting develops together with you bespoken compensation and incentive structures for your individual family office operation including short and long-term bonus schemes, long-term incentive plans including partnership and co-investment structures as well as quantitative and qualitative performance measurement systems for investment and non-investment functions; benchmarking studies are as much part of the latter consulting work as international best-practice examples.
As international as the life of the owners and families who stand behind a family office, as international also nowadays are the investment activities and operations of the offices as such.
Family Office Management Consulting develops together with you your international family office strategy including the choice of location, respectively in a multi-locational set-up, the optimization of cross-border activities for an international platform.
It is hereby not only important to take taxation and legal aspects into account, but also regulatory aspects in today’s world where the regulatory environment changes constantly.
Family Office Management Consulting also performs detailed analyses on relocation aspects for family office operations including cost and functionality reviews.